Monday, August 29, 2011

Survivors Speak Out!!!


As a survivor of many different types of abuse, I have found it very helpful to speak with others who have also been through similar situations. There is a feeling of being lost when you suffer in silence with the many emotions circling around inside. It is also a lonely place when you think there is nowhere to go for comfort. This is the basis for our new BLOGTALK RADIO SHOW - "SURVIVORS SPEAK OUT". Thankfully we are being sponsored through one of the largest non-profit organizations fighting against the crimes of abuse; Dreamcatchers for Abused Children.  With the support of these amazing people we are giving survivors their open voice to help educate the world about the sense of brokeness that we carry throughout our lives. Please join us this and every FRIDAY @ 6:00p.m. on Michigan's largest online radio talk show, devoted to educating the world about the pains of abuse. Please listen in or call (917)932-1132 if you would like to share your own personal story of survival!!!

Also, for those women survivors who are interested, there is an online support group, "Survivor's World", which I created to give survivors a safe place to friend, chat and share their inspiration of recovery with others like themselves. This group, membership in the group, and any postings in the group page are kept private. There is no one outside of the group members that can see your access to the group or what you share within the group. "Survivor's World" is kept secret to ensure that you have safety to share your thoughts, memories, stories, poems, comments or documents. It is a place to check in with other members to share a good or bad day. A place where you can gain support, guidance, and friendship from others who have suffered these crimes.

I would like to invite the women survivors of abuse to connect with me, or my wonderful co-host, ; we can give you a safe place to vent. Membership is by placement only so that we can screen our members and protect them. We have applied the necessary steps to secure the privacy of what we discuss and post within "Survivor's World" and would like to encourage you to join in while you start to gain your strength and your voice. There is a peace that comes to you when you can start talking about the pains you've survived and now is the time to make that decision. Surviving these attacks leaves us broken and confused. Our emotions get mixed up inside when we try to ponder about the "Why" of the attacks against us. It often helps if we can have contact with others who understand our displacement and have been in similar situations.

My own history is 12 years of tortured abuse as a child and 20 years going through repeated physical, sexual, emotional and financially abusive relationships as an adult. It is from my own experience that I reach out to your sense of loss and will try provide any assistance possible. Tracey and I are not therapists, licensed psychologists or any other form of professional counselors; we are just survivors who have been through the healing, the muck, and finally I have published my own horrific life of the many vicious crimes of abuse against me.

If you are looking for a friendly place to gain some support and guidance; then Tracey and I encourage you to join us. We would love to have you chat with us on air at Dreamcatchers Blogtalk Radio our sponsored show "Survivors Speak Out" or you are welcome to connect a friendship online with us through Facebook for the private group "Survivor's World". Survivors, we want to do our very best to support your healing; hang in there and push forward in your life. Do not get trapped in the nightmares and darkness of your abuse. Reach out for your own chance at happiness and your own sense of being. We will support, guide, and encourage you while we share our pains together.

You deserve your own happiness in this world!!
You deserve to be loved as much as you love others!!
You deserve to be respected as much as you respect others!!
You deserve to have safety in your world!!
You deserve to have roses in your garden of life!!

Patricia A. McKnight